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Author: bildwpagora


ESG – what does it stand for? Go find out! 

Environmental, social and governance strategies are now more complex than ever. And the pressure is piling on companies, investors and policy makers. Post-COP26, and in the face of war in Ukraine , the calls for change are growing louder, and pledges are being put under the microscope. The time to make ESG a reality is now, but is the market willing and ready?

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Farm to fork? We make it happen 

Food production, trade, security, and sustainability occur against a geopolitical background that is increasingly challenging. Sustainably feeding a growing population requires closing three gaps: between the amount of food produced today and what is needed tomorrow, finding extra land to do so – even if productivity can be improved per hectare, and avoiding the extra emissions that would make the climate crisis worse.

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Share, contribute, develop

We believe that value is created when the profits stay with the locals. So we try to work with enterprises which operate locally.

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